Is múinteoir mé le breis agus 12 bliain i gcórais oideachais na hÉireann agus an RA. San am sin mhúin mé Mata, Matamaitic Fheidhmeach agus Fisic i scoileanna poiblí, príobháideacha agus idirnáisiúnta.
Agus mo chéim bhaitsiléara agam san Innealtóireacht Mheicniúil ó UCD, d’oibrigh mé sna tionscail táirgthe stroighne agus giniúna cumhachta i gCeanada (comhairleach.ca) agus an Afraic Theas (esbinternational.ie) faoi seach mar innealtóir comhairleach roimh athrú gairme a leanúint mo paisean don teagasc.
Ó shin i leith bhí roinnt róil éagsúla agam i scoileanna in Éirinn, sa RA, sa tSín agus in Óman ó Chomhordaitheoir Uimhearthachta go Stiúrthóir Staidéir go Príomhoide Scoile; ach is é teagasc na Matamaitice an rud is mó a bhfuil spéis agam ann.
Suíomh gréasáin físeán teagaisc My Maths (oreillymaths) agus a bhaineann leisCainéal YouTubear an ngearrliosta do Ghradaim Social Entrepreneurs Ireland 2017 (www.independent.ie/business/irish/revealed-social-entrepreneurs-ireland-awards-2017-the-finalists) agus go bhfuil siad in úsáid ag mic léinn ar fud na tíre chun cabhrú leo an t-ábhar riachtanach seo a fhoghlaim agus a ghrá, saor in aisce.
OReillyMaths began when I started making videos for my own class students to help them revise. I soon realised the many benefits these videos had for those who need more time with explicit instruction or indeed miss class for whatever reason. I created a website and uploaded all my videos to YouTube so students across Ireland and beyond could use them. The videos soon grew in popularity.
In 2017, I entered my website and associated YouTube channel into the Social Entrepreneurs Ireland competition. From a field of hundreds, OReillyMaths made the final 16, after completing a rigorous Dragon’s Den style interview process and bootcamp. Since then I have continued to make videos free of charge for those who need them in an attempt to redress the imbalance that lies at the heart of our education system, namely one where maths is allocated extra points in the Leaving Cert and those who can afford extra tuition are at an advantage.
The next phase for OReillyMaths is to move towards providing free online classes to students around the country who cannot afford them. Our ultimate goal is to provide the classes free of charge for students who need support in maths but cannot afford to pay for grinds or attend grind schools. We will do this with the support of businesses and schools as we aim to increase the number of students availing of this service year on year. Please visit our supporters page here if you or your school or business would like to be part of our story.